É bem verdade que o acesso ao Mercado Municipal aos finais de semana aqui em São Paulo é bem cansativo, mas quando não é? Principalmente, ao que se refere sair de casa e pegar carro, ônibus, metrô, trem, moto ou até mesmo a pé (calçadas sempre cheias de transeuntes, barracas e também do que sai das traseiras dos cachorros e seus donos não recolhem).
Sem perder o foco. Mercado Municipal de São Paulo, Cantareira 306 – Centro. Ao entrar pelos grandes portões tudo muda, inclusive o cheiro, está difícil não ser crítico, mas compensará a partir de agora. As cores das frutas, das barracas de comidas, de embutidos, especiarias, carnes, defumados, peixes, frutos do mar, tudo concentrado e aromatizando o ambiente. Muito bom! É um canto de São Paulo que está entre os quais mais gosto de retornar. Facilmente arrumo uma “desculpa” pra ir até lá, um queijo que não acho no supermercado, uma manteiga do sertão, pimenta mexicana ou chouriço português e meu tempero favorito LemonPepper. Um, dois, três... chopps bem servidos e um paxxxxtel.
Tomorrow is saturday. Have fun!
It is true that access to the municipal market, especially on weekends here in Sao Paulo is very tiring, but when it is referred to leave home and get the car, bus, subway, train, bike and even foot (sidewalks always full of pedestrians and stalls and also what go out the back of the dogs and their owners do not collect).
Without losing focus. Municipal Market of São Paulo, Cantareira 306 - Center. Upon entering the great gates everything changes, even the smell is hard not to be critical, but you make from now. The colors of fruits, food stalls, sausage, spices, meats, smoked fish, seafood, and all concentrated and flavoring the environment ... is a corner of São Paulo is among those most like to return.
Easily i create an "excuse" to go there ... If a don´t find a cheese in the supermarket, a backwoods butter, mexican peppers or portuguese chorizo and my favorite flavor LemonPepper. One, two, three ... chopps well served and a pastry.
I recommend.
It is true that access to the municipal market, especially on weekends here in Sao Paulo is very tiring, but when it is referred to leave home and get the car, bus, subway, train, bike and even foot (sidewalks always full of pedestrians and stalls and also what go out the back of the dogs and their owners do not collect).
Without losing focus. Municipal Market of São Paulo, Cantareira 306 - Center. Upon entering the great gates everything changes, even the smell is hard not to be critical, but you make from now. The colors of fruits, food stalls, sausage, spices, meats, smoked fish, seafood, and all concentrated and flavoring the environment ... is a corner of São Paulo is among those most like to return.
Easily i create an "excuse" to go there ... If a don´t find a cheese in the supermarket, a backwoods butter, mexican peppers or portuguese chorizo and my favorite flavor LemonPepper. One, two, three ... chopps well served and a pastry.
I recommend.
O Mercadão é um dos lugares mais gostosos de São Paulo. Eu adoro chegar às 11h, quando a parte de cima - dos barzinhos - ainda não está lotada. Amo os ariches e as castanhas de cajú. Amei este post. Até meu pai apareceu nele, hehe.